Loving God, During the sacred season of Lent, bring me closer to you.
Prepare a place in my home and heart for silence and solitude,
so that I may re-discover the grace of a prayer-full life.
Help me to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of body and soul and remind me of the grace of simplicity.
Enlarge my heart so that I give to those in need and, in so doing,
re-discover the grace of gratitude and generosity.
May this season be a grace-filled time to rekindle my love for and faith in you.
St. Mary & St. Michael Parish Cluster 2025 Lenten Schedule
Ash Wednesday Mass, March 5
12:00PM at St Michael / 6:00PM at St. Mary
Select Documents of The 2nd Vatican Council Lecture Series
Presentation lead by Fr. Michael Hodges
(continuation from the Advent/Fall Series)
Monday, March 10, 24, 31 - April 7 - 7:00-8:30PM
St Mary Church Community Room -No reservation is needed.
LIVE Stations of the Cross, Friday, March 7 at 6PM (more info) At St Mary - Presented by Faith Formation Classes
Lenten Parish Family Dinner, Friday, March 7 at 6:30M (more info)
St Mary Parish Hall
(Join us for Stations of the Cross prior to Dinner)
Start your Lent with a parish family dinner. Cheese & Veggie Pizzas will be available with a Free Will offering.
Please RSVP to the parish office.
The Light is On For You, an Evening of Penance /Individual Confessions. Experience Christ’s healing love in the sacrament of reconciliation.
Wednesday, April 2 -12:30PM - 1:30PM at St Michael
Thursday, April 3 - 5:00PM-8PM at St Mary
OUTDOOR Stations of the Cross, Friday, April 11 at 6:00PM (more info)
Pending Weather-Outside at St Mary on the newly restored meditation path. Stations will be lead by The Knights of Columbus Councils #11581 & #9909
Soup Supper Friday, April 11 at 6:30PM (more info)
Saint Mary Parish Hall (Join us for Stations of the Cross prior to Dinner)
The Soup Super tradition is a gathering to pray and share a simple meal during Lent. At this meal we share by placing our abundance in a common pot, eating less ourselves, and bringing the surplus to those in need. This year, we will enjoy two simple "meatless" soups and bread. There will be a “pot” at the door for contributions to the Saint Mary Parish Christian Service Fund. Please RSVP to the parish office.
Fridays at St Mary / March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
6:00PM—Stations of the Cross
Fridays at St. Michael / March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
5:30PM- 7:00PM- Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Dinners. (Dine in or Take out available)
6:00PM - Stations of the Cross
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday - April 17 / Mass of The Lord’s Supper
7:00PM at St Mary - Msgr. Louis Stasker
Followed by Night Watch until 10:00pm
7:00PM at St Michael - Fr. Michael Hodges
Followed by Night Watch until 10:00pm
Good Friday - April 18
3:00PM at St Mary - Good Friday Service - Msgr. Louis Stasker
3:00PM at St Michael - Good Friday Service - Fr. Michael Hodges
8:00PM at St Mary - Tenebrae Service with Gary Karr
Holy Saturday - April 19
9:00PM Easter Vigil at St Mary - Msgr. Louis Stasker
9:00PM Easter Vigil at St Michael - Fr. Michael Hodges
Easter Sunday - April 20/ Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord
8:30AM at St Michael - Fr. Michael Hodges
10:30AM at St Mary - Msgr. Louis Stasker