October 11, 2024 ~ Would you be willing to pray for one hour?
40 Days for Life is a unique pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil in front of abortion clinics. This will be the 30th campaign in Grand Rapids, and it will take place in front of Planned Parenthood- 425 Cherry Street SE Grand Rapids, This facility provides the abortion pill and refers for abortions Dozens of area churches have adopted a day of prayer.
Our parish family has chosen Friday, October 11, 2024 ~
Would you be willing to pray for one hour to fill in the time slots to pray to end abortion? We will need 2 prayer volunteers from 7 am till 7 pm throughout the day. This is a powerful and proven effective way to close abortion centers and show the Mother's that we are praying and thinking about them and their babies. Please consider a hour of your time~ If you are unable to attend that day you may go to the clinic and pray any time! Thank you for your commitment to LIFE! God bless! 40daysforlife.com/GrandRapids